A Concubine Conundrum?

 My great uncle James Hunter had a concubine. This bit of information was discovered in a line from his daughter Ellen Hunter’s probate. Ellen Hunter alias “Fok Shu Wah” died November 18, 1944 but the probate was not processed until after the war and in fact not until 1947.

When Ellen died intestate, age 46, her step mother, Woo Siu Ying, age 43, petitioned for administration of Ellen’s estate. Her claim was based on her relationship to Ellen’s father ( she was his concubine ) Her address was given as 11 Shelley Street, the long time Hunter abode.

There was a co-petitioner, Ip Fok Shi, nee Fok Shuk Chun, age 40, claiming a position as adopted sister.

Neither of the petitioners claimed any blood relationship to Ellen Hunter or to either of her parents. Her mother is listed as Emma Hunter who died in June 14 of 1933 and her father James who died August 8, 1937.

The beginning of the concubinage between James Hunter and Woo Siu Ying is not stated but is presumably post 1933 after the death of his wife Emma. This is of course just guessing as the taking of a concubine during the course of a marriage was not unheard of.

Another question might be how the relationship of “adopted sister”  Fok Shuk Chun, came about? ( note the names “Fok Shuk” for both Ellen and her adopted sister! )Lastly who was Ip? It’s a married name  and later land registry records show ownership of the Shelley Street property by two IP family members.

*Note line 3a. The deceased was a Chinese domiciled in Hong Kong. Is this a reference to her nationality or ethnicity?

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