Another two clues

When I posted the “family photo with a clue” I wasn’t sure if the photo was from Hong Kong ( Kowloon ) or a year later after the family moved to Shanghai. I’m now a little more convinced that it was the former. In this photo my mother is sitting in the stern or the rowboat. She appears to be about the same age in both photos and the there’s two more clues. The first is she’s wearing the same hat in both pictures. The second is there’s the same dog! Add to this, the terrain and vegetation are in keeping with the Hong Kong/Kowloon area and not Shanghai. My guess is that the location of these pictures is in the Kings Park area of Kowloon about 1917. My mother used tell stories of her parents taking them and sometimes children from the Diocesan school on picnic outings when they were young and living in Kowloon.

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