A question of faith….continued

Since my previous post on the subject, I’ve done more research and by chance received some information from some fellow Facebook Group members. One of my original questions involved how and when my family became involved in “Christian Science” While I have not considered myself a “follower” of the CS ideology, I have on many occasions defended it based on my own family’s beliefs in it. Christian Science is often mistaken for like-named religious orders such as Scientology, Science of Mind and even Jehovah Witnesses. I was quick to label these as whacky, crack-pot cults, nothing like the religion that my own family followed. At best, I was viewing CS through rose colored glasses! At worst, I’ve come to understand how much of it took root in my psyche as a child and the damage its caused.

I’ve hesitated to broach the subject of religion in any of my on-line posting as I don’t wish to cast aspersions on anyone’s beliefs. That’s not my intent. I simply want to know more about CS and mostly, how and why my family became involved. At this point I’m leaning towards Shanghai in the late 1920s. The “why” is still a mystery. More on this to follow…..

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