Tea with Harry Hastings

I was reading through old letters and came across one from my grandfather to his daughter Iris ( my mother ) It was written in the 1950s when he was still in Hong Kong and my mother and I were living in Vancouver. 

I’m not sure if my grandfather was trying to find a new husband for my mother or just offering a helpful introduction, but he mentioned that he had a friend in Victoria, BC., a Harry Hastings, whom he’d gone to school with in Hong Kong. He offered to make an introduction if she’d like. So, who was Harry Hastings?

I scanned through the students list of the DBS which is posted on Gwulo.com and sure enough, there he was, so off I went on a new path, hoping to find a pot of gold at the end. Well, sadly no gold, but some valuable info just the same; maybe at the silver or bronze level.

Harry Hastings was an interesting guy and though he’s long gone now, I’ve picked away at his family tree and made a little headway. Each tiny bit of information puts another piece in my own jig-saw puzzle. I’m including a link to a piece I found on-line. There’s more, but this might pique some interest. It’s only seven pages, so easy enough to handle and digest.


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